Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricanes are a pain in the butt!

I'm sitting at home this evening waiting to experience the fury of Ike. In the 6 years I've been in Houston, this is the 2nd hurricane I've had to prepare for. I just returned yesterday from a recruiting trip to IL, so Robert did some of the prep work like bringing in the patio furniture before I came back. Then, when I got back to Houston yesterday, we went grocery shopping for the non-perishable food items, chopped ice out of a cooler where the ice bags had melted / frozen together, went from gas station to gas station in search of gas and propane, and Robert waited in line for at least an hour to buy a generator. My high school friend, Dana, who lives near the Gulf, has come up with her husband to stay with us since they are in a mandatory evacuation area. For now, we will sit tight and see what the storm will bring.

Today was an exciting day for another reason besides Ike... Andie got married today! She was supposed to get married tomorrow but Ike ruined that. So, she made some quick arrangements to hold a family-only ceremony today. Pastor Tierce led a meaningful ceremony and now Andie is Mrs. Amilcar Oscar Osorio. Congratulations Oscar and Andie! Andie and Oscar will hold a reception celebration in the coming months.

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